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5 Ways to Maintain your Automated Gates

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5 Ways to Maintain your Automated Gates

5 Ways to Maintain your Automated Gates | Gate Repair Plano TX

Like all things mechanical, automatic gate also need regular maintenance to ensure that it lasts longer, is more consistent and works reliably. This is paramount to ensure the safety of your property.

Despite the high price tag, an automated gate is relatively easy to maintain. Here are some certain procedures that you can employ on your own apart from the regular maintenance done by a technician:

A Visual Inspection

Checking your gates regularly is essential. Look at the opener, the drive and chain belts, metal racks. Watch out for any dents in the panel, electrical connections and bearings. At the most, look out for visible signs of wear and tear or damage to the exterior of the gate and any visible component. Keeping an eye out for these visual details will allow you to convey this to our technicians so they may be able to offer solutions immediately.

A Rust Inspection

Most gates are durable and are rust free, but dirt and dust accumulation, combined with weather conditions, can lead to rusting. We are not around 24 hours to look at your gate, so you need to do the checking. Look for any visible signs of rusting especially on metal parts. Rust in its early stages is easy to remove, but when it gets extreme, scrubbing can do the trick. However, rust formation can also affect the motors and parts of the gate so if you see any, make sure to point it out in your next maintenance schedule.

Keeping it Clean

A once a year wash and rinse on your automated gates can extend their life span. By doing this too, you can always keep it looking beautiful and new for a long time. Keeping your gates clean also eliminates the issue of rust and having to refurbish which is a much more expensive option.

Lubricating the Gates

You can have it done professionally when it's time for regular maintenance, but you can also lubricate your gate parts once every six months to ensure no rusting and that all parts are moving correctly. Use lubrication on the rollers, pulley, hinge as well as chains and the many different screws.  A friction free automated gate means safe and secure operation, and you also prevent wear and tear.

A Manual Inspection

Your willingness to spend some time to maintain your automated gates is a factor when deciding whether to get a high-end or lower-end automated gate system. A reliable and qualified technician would be able to install and maintain a gate for you so make sure when buying your gate; you go with a qualified system provider too.

Feel free to give us a call today if you need more information!


Is there a problem we can help you with? Ask us any question you have about your residential/commercial gate, and one of our experts will answer shortly!


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Cheap and reliable services for all types of automatic gates

*Prices may vary. $45 service call.

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Jan 22, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
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14:00PM - 16:00PM
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